Monday, November 28, 2011

Happy birthday to Sky Pie Apparel!!!

Today marks our One Year Anniversary!!!

They say that most businesses don’t last more than their first year, so I’m happy and proud to say we are still in business! We lasted longer than Kim Kardashian’s marriage! (Sorry. We love you Kim!)

Starting any company is filled with ups and downs, excitement and slow times, happiness and times you wonder why you didn’t use all your money to buy a year’s supply of Twinkies, but I definitely feel like our first year was a success!

With the launch of Sky Pie Apparel, I was trying to do something fun and something that could make a difference.

One year ago today, I launched the website which is our main way of being accessible to the public. Shortly after that we were able to sponsor the Hope in the City fashion show. This year had our First Annual Spring Launch Sky Pie and Tee Party which was a delight. We were able to add new shirts, especially for the Men. Also, we had our first photo shoot which gave us stunning photos for the website.

I’m even more excited about what the future holds! I have a ton of more fun ideas! We have just started pre-ordering a hilarious, new shirt which you get a discount on for pre-ordering. (For more info on that, talk to me or sign up on the website for our email news letter.)

I want to personally thank everyone of you who helped us in some way. Whether it was helping with the website or photos, buying a shirt, liking us on Facebook, or just saying, “that’s cool” when you heard my ideas. I’m glad we launched right around Thanksgiving. It really helps me to keep things in perspective and be thankful. I couldn’t do this without you guys!

As well as Thanksgiving, I find it kind of ironic that our one year anniversary falls on the new “Cyber Monday” (the equivalent of Black Friday for the internet). Christmas is coming up and you can buy a Sky Pie shirt for a loved one right from the comfort of your own home! We need your support! Not only that, but you can tell them part of the proceeds went to stop human trafficking as well! Go now!

We hope that all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, we are thankful for our One Year Anniversary, and we hope that we will be able to serve you for many more years to come!!

Skyler Payne

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Another Good Year

We thank you, Lord, for food and friends
And for all of the joy this holiday lends;
It’s Thanksgiving Day and we can see
The blessings you’ve provided our family.
Thanks to you, Lord, for another good year;
When you watch over us, there’s nothing to fear.

By Karl Fuchs